Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Number 777
NOTE: Please read "Identity of The Beast"
The number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is used throughout the Scriptures and in this sense is the Almighty's Number. We read of:
Samson's seven locks of consecration. (Judges 16:13-19)
The seven pillars of wisdom's house. (Proverbs 9:1)
The sevenfold sign of total commitment and dependence (2 Chron. 29: 20-21)
The seven lambs to attest the conclusion of a peace treaty. (Genesis 21:28-30)
The seven fold sprinkling of blood before cleansing was complete. (Lev:16:19)
The seven week count to Pentecost, the seven year count to the sabbatical year and the seven times seven year count to the Jubilee year. (Lev. 23:15, Lev.25:1-9)
The seven candlesticks, seven churches, seven stars, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven thunders, and seven plagues mentioned in the book of Revelation etc.
In addition to these examples, and there are many more, the Almighty has blessed each seventh portion of time in The Sacred Calendar: the The Seventh Day of the Week, the seventh year and also the seventh thousanth year period referred to by Bible students as the Millennium. Together with the Festivals of the God of Israel these all express the concept of totality, maturity, holiness and absolute perfection.
To us in A Voice In The Wilderness the triple sevens (777) numerically symbolize Yahweh, the Father of Yahshua the Messiah. He is the pinnacle of perfection, power and purity. The number 777 may also be the numeric value of some word or group of words: we do not know. Satan has hijacked this number and uses it in all kinds of bizarre ways; but as far as Scripture is concerned, seven is the number of perfection and holiness. To us in A Voice In The Wilderness the number 777 numerically expresses the Almighty's Truth as regards His 7th day Sabbath, His 7 annual Sabbaths, His 7th year Sabbath and His 7th thousand year Sabbath - the millennium. We could go further and write 7777777 - ad infinitum, or 70 times 7, with each additional seven representing another perfect revelation of His character: but 777 will do for the time being.
By contrast the treble sixes - 666 - represent Satan the perfection of imperfection: the unholy and immature one: the one who will always fall short of Yahweh's moral stature just as the number 6 will always fall short of the number 7. Perhaps that is why Satan seeks to abolish every sacred seventh portion of time in the calendar of the Almighty: because his evil mind is totally incapable of ever matching the majesty, might and maturity of Yahweh the Holy One of Israel.
777 The “Key” to Eschatology
The Perfect Number of Completion
by Paul Sides
The key to unlocking the “sealed” prophecies concerning the mystery of the Second Coming is the perfect number of completion… 777. The number 777 is as important to understanding the timing of the Second Coming as 666 is to identifying the False Messiah who fakes the second coming. The number 777 identifies the true coming, where the number 666 identifies the fake. It is that simple.
777, the number of completion, it is the date the Millennial Reign begins. The 7th Jewish holy month of the 7th year of the 7th millennium. On this date:
The marriage feast between the Messiah and His bride begins.
The Feast of Trumpets takes place, which heralds the Second Coming. Yahshua returns to Earth on the Seventh Trumpet of the Feast of Trumpets (September 13, 2007).
So we know that Yahshua returns on the Feast of Trumpets in the year of completion. Which is September 13, 2007. Let’s look a little deeper into this date to confirm:
This date is exactly 1 generation (40 years and 120 days) from when the Fig Tree sprouted its leaves (Israel regained the Temple Mount and Jerusalem) on June 7th, 1967. Fulfilling Yahshua prophecy of the Fig Tree in Matthew 24.
This date is also exactly 7-tribulation years from the end of the 6th prophetic day (September 13, 2000) fulfilling the prophecy of the 7-year tribulation.
This date is exactly 14-years from the beginning of Daniels 70th Week (September 13, 1993). Fulfilling the prophecy of “7-Good Years of Joseph” and “7-Bad Years of Jacob”.
So as we can clearly see, 777 is truly the number of completion. This date completes the generation prophecy, the 14-year period of Joseph and Jacob prophecy, and the 7-year tribulation prophecy. And this date ends all forms of human and satanic government completing God's destined 6 millenniums of human government. And this date is the Jewish New Year, beginning the 7th Millennium of Divine Government under the King of Kings.
And so in the 7th Holy Month of the 7th year of the 7th Millennium… God’s Plan is complete… Yahshua the Messiah returns as King of Kings to reign physically for the rest of eternity.
The number 777 represents the perfect date of completion and the beginning of the Millennial Reign... September 13, 2007 the date of the return of the King. For a detailed breakdown of the Timeline given by YHWH through His prophets, read... especially Chapter 4 free on-line.
Click here to read the new book
of the
Second Coming
by Paul Sides
For proof we have entered the 7th Millennium... Proof we are living in the 7th Millennium since Adam
I have been contemplating the prophecy that I consider the most significant to unlocking the key to the second coming of Yahshua the Messiah.
And it hit me that once again the "Sabbath Key" of 6/7 holds true... even to the very date of the most significant prophetic fulfillment that ulocks the second coming.
I call it... the "6,7 '67" Prophecy of the Fig Tree sprouting its leaves. You see, Yahshua said in Matthew 24:32-36 (and I paraphrase):
vs 32 "When the tree is yet tender" meaning after the rebirth of Isreal in fulfillment of OT prophecy ... fulfilled April 14, 1948 the culmination of the "Servitude of the Nation of Israel" prophecy of Jeremiah and Ezekiel... "and puts forth its leaves" meaning Israel regains the Temple Mount and Jerusalem ... fulfilled on June 7, 1967 the culmination of the "Abominations of Jerusalem" prophecy of Jeremiah and Ezekiel...
vs. 34 "this generation will not pass away" meaning from June 7, 1967 there is 40 years 120 days which is a Biblical generation before everything concerning End Events are fulfilled. Which is September 13, 2007.
vs. 36 "but of that day or hour no man knoweth" Yahshua was confirming His second coming according to God's Feast Cycle using a Jewish idiom for the Feast of Trumpets "but my father only" Yahshua was using another Jewish idiom referring to the wedding feast that occurs after the Feast of Trumpets because Jewish weddings were pre-arranged by the Father.
Of couse, September 13, 2007 is the Jewish New Year in the year of completion 777 and the Feast of Trumpets.
But let's now consider the key fulfillment date of June 7, 1967. This date:
is according to God's 6/7 plan (6 days and a Sabbath key) the 6th month, 7th day of the '67 year! Or rather 6,7 '67... if that isn't amazing confirmation I don't know what is!
this day followed 6 days of war in the miraculous Israeli "6 Day War" and was the 7th day after the 6 days of war... another 6/7 symbol.
this day is also TO THE DAY the end of the prophecy of the "Abominations of Jerusalem" when Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied the long abominations brought down on Jerusalem for Israel's disobedience to God would END!
and of course this day is exactly 1 Biblical generation prior to Feast of Trumpets of the 7th holy month of the 7th year of the 7th millennium... the 777 year of completion
Keeping in mind God established the 6 day week and 7th day Sabbath as an eternal covenant representing His plan for man and pointing to the date of the Second Coming and beginning of the Millennial Reign....
What Yahshua is saying through history in effect is this:
After 6 days of war when I miraculously save Israel from Arab invasion... on the 7th day ... I will restore Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to my people on the 6th month 7th day of the year '67. Then after 40 years 120 days I will return after 6 millenniums in the 7th millennium... after 6 years in the 7th year... after 6 months in the 7th month... on the Feast of Trumpets ... to celebrate the wedding feast with My bride 6,007 years after this age began with Adam.... on September 13, 2007.
Just thinking.... the 6/7 Plan of God... the Sabbath Covenant... No wonder God commands we keep it!
The Everlasting Covenant... The Sabbath
Now let's consider God's everlasting covenant... the Sabbath. The 7 day week... 6 days and a 7th day... the Sabbath. It is a portrait of God's Plan for Man. 6 days/6 thousand years and a Sabbath Day/Millennium.... the 6/7 plan for man. 6,000 years of sin and a 7th millennium of Divine Government.
What am I getting at you ask? I'm getting at yet another sign from God concerning the timing of the second coming. More proof of the September 13, 2007 date. I will break God's plan down from a Millennial View all the way down to Monthly View:
Millennial View - Yahshua returns after 6 millenniums... in the 7th Sabbath Millennium ... the 6/7 plan
Yearly View - Yahshua returns after the 6th year in the 7th Sabbath Year... the 6/7 plan
Monthly View - Yahshua returns after the 6th Holy Month in the 7th Sabbath Holy Month... the 6/7 plan.
Yahshua return in the 6007 Sabbath Year since Adam... the 6/7 plan.
Yahshua returns on the Feast of Trumpets of the 6007th Year... September 13, 2007.
Hmmmmmmm. Maybe God had something in mind when He established the 6 day week and the Sabbath and called it His EVERLASTING COVENANT... If we kept it we may know when He was returning.
Psalms 90:1-4
1 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world (creation), even from everlasting (past) to everlasting (future), thou art God. (Referring to the Everlasting Covenant of the Sabbath in Genesis established at creation. The boundaries of this Covenant are “everlasting past to everlasting future” )
3 Thou turnest man to destruction;(a reference to the Great Tribulation) and sayest, Return, ye children of men.
4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. (‘6,000 years’ is the sign “a watch in the night” as Yahshua promised the Saints would NOT be taken like a thief in the night).
Hosea was also given a vision of God’s Plan. Hosea saw a period of time Israel would cease to be a nation and remain a footnote in history until the End Times (latter days):
Hosea 3:4-5
4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king (referring to the destruction of Israel after the Messiah King is cutoff), and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:
5 Afterward (after the Messiah is cutoff) shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.
We see from Hosea 3:4-5 that after the Messiah is cutoff, Israel will abide “many days” or more than 1,000 years then afterward “in the latter days” the children of Israel returns (1948). Then Hosea clarifies that the time when Israel will once again be a nation is “after 2 days/2,000 years” keeping in mind that God declared a day = 1,000 years. This is the Church Age or Messianic Age.
Then Hosea prophesies the first resurrection will occur at the beginning of the 3rd day/3,000th year since the destruction of Israel… “in the third day he will raise us up”. This is the Kingdom Age or Millennial Reign or Sabbath Millennium. Then Hosea confirms that He, the Messiah, shall come twice according the Feast Cycle (former rain is the Spring Feasts, the latter rain is the Fall Feasts):
Hosea 6:1-3
1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
September 13, 2007
The Date Given by YHWH and Yahshua for the Second Coming
I wanted to confirm the work on the Date of Yahshua's Second Coming occurring on September 13, 2007. And add to the Sabbatical and Jubilee calculations the following addition proof:
First, Yahshua was born in 3 bc. This can be confirmed by His death in 30 AD. How do we know? Yahshua was the Passover Lamb of YHWH not the meaningless "Friday Lamb" as Catholicism would have us believe. He was crucified on Wednesday the 15th of Abib, the Passover, in AD 30, spent 3 days in the grave (not 2 as Catholicism would have us believe) and resurrected on the Sabbath (not Sunday)... The Lord of the Sabbath. So the ONLY year that would enable YHWH to sacrifice Yahshua as the Passover Lamb and resurrect him the King of the Sabbath would be 30 AD (15th of Abib) putting Yahshua's birth in 3 BC as you suggest but fail to prove. Hope that helps.
Second, allow me to provide evidence that September 13, 2000 was the beginning of the 7-year tribulation or 7 bad years of Jacob:
The Gedolei Yisrael (Great Ones of Israel) declared September 13, 2000 the official beginning of the Tribulation or Times of Jacob's trouble in a UNANIMOUS VOTE!
OSLO was the 70th Week of Daniel.
It was the exact date of the annulment (per Isaiah) of the 70th Week of Daniel, the ONLY 7-year false peace treaty in the history of humanity signed exactly 14 years to the day (7 good years of Joseph followed by 7-bad years of Jacob) from the date of the Second Coming (see below for proof) on September 13, 2007.
It was the date that the ONLY 7- year peace treaty between any two nations in the history of humanity was annulled, and that treaty was annulled per prophecy (meaning it did not succeed) because of the battle over Jerusalem between the sons of Abraham (Ishmael and Isaac).
The annulment of this treaty on September 13, 2000 lead to the breakout of a Holy War between the sons of Abraham which broke out on top of the Temple Mount per prophecy, on September 28, 2000 when Ariel Sharon declared the Temple Mount the sovereign property of Israel. The Intifada or Holy War began.
The annulment of OSLO on September 13, 2000 focused the worlds attention on Jerusalem as this Holy War engulfed the world on September 11, 2001 bringing in the House of Israel (Britain/USA) along side the House of Judah (Jews/Israel) against the Arabs (sons of Ishmael).
The Temple Mount was re-opened to the Jews after 2,300 days. On July 1, 2003 right on schedule.
The Cornerstone of the coming 3rd Temple has been paraded down the streets of Jerusalem where it was dedicated at the gates of the Temple Mount... August 6, 2003... The Priest are in final preparations. Jews allowed to offer the oblation.
The Transgression of Desolation complete, Michael removed.
Israel is building a wall around herself to separate the Jews from the Palestinians in preparation for their utter destruction in fulfillment of Obadiah 17-18.
Now that we are ending the period declared by the Gedolei Yisrael to be the Times of Jacob's Trouble, Israel has convened the Sanhedrin for the first time in 1,600 years to find and crown the coming King of Israel.
Israel has abandoned Gaze in fulfillment of Zeph 2:4.
Concerning the date September 13, 2007 (I provided links to back each item up):
September 13, 2007 is the 7th Holy Month of the 7th Year of the 7th Millennium, 777 the number of completion. The perfect date of completion that per Daniel, Yahshua brings an end to sin, and ushers in His Everlasting Righteous Government.
YHWH's Sabbath Covenant (6 days and a 7th day) is fulfilled and repetitive all the way down to September 13, 2007. Yahshua returns after 6,000 years on the 7th Millennium. After 6 years in the 7th year of the 7th Millennium. After 6 holy months in the 7th Holy month of the 7th year of the 7th Millennium.
September 13, 2007 fulfills the Prophecy of the Fig Tree.
September 13, 2007 fulfills the prophecy that the generation that witnessed Israel regain Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will not pass away, it is "days" shy of "1 generation" . A biblical generation is 40 years 120 days.
September 13, 2007 fulfills the prophecy that is Yahshua were to wait a full generation (40 years 120 days) putting him back on September 25, 2007 not one living soul would survive, so Yahshua cut the days short 1 day for each of the 12 tribes of Israel (Elect) putting the return on September 13, 2007, the Feast of Trumpets.
September 13, 2007 meets the prophecy and meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, the 7th Trumpet of Revelation, and confirms YHWH Feast Cycle and fulfills Yahshua's prophecy that he returns on the day of which "No man knows the day or hour" which is a Jewish Idiom for the Feast of Trumpets.
September 13, 2007 is exactly 7 years to the day from the annulment of the only 7-year peace treaty in the history of mankind on September 13, 2000. I.E. 7 bad years of Jacob or 7 year tribulation. The 7-year false treaty that focused the worlds attention on Jerusalem, launching the World into the final battle between the sons of Abraham over control of Jerusalem called a War on Terror by Isaiah as he prophesied this war... see verse 19... (Isaiah 28:15-20).
September 13, 2007 is 14 years to the day from when the 7-good years of Joseph began with the signing of OSLO on September 13, 1993. The following 7-year was the most unprecedented period of peace and prosperity in all of human history having everyone involved with OSLO winning Nobel Peace Prizes including the world's premier terrorist... Yassir Arafat!
The 7 Divine Divisions... Sanctifying the Bride of the Messiah
NOTE: Please read "Identity of The Beast"
The number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is used throughout the Scriptures and in this sense is the Almighty's Number. We read of:
Samson's seven locks of consecration. (Judges 16:13-19)
The seven pillars of wisdom's house. (Proverbs 9:1)
The sevenfold sign of total commitment and dependence (2 Chron. 29: 20-21)
The seven lambs to attest the conclusion of a peace treaty. (Genesis 21:28-30)
The seven fold sprinkling of blood before cleansing was complete. (Lev:16:19)
The seven week count to Pentecost, the seven year count to the sabbatical year and the seven times seven year count to the Jubilee year. (Lev. 23:15, Lev.25:1-9)
The seven candlesticks, seven churches, seven stars, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven thunders, and seven plagues mentioned in the book of Revelation etc.
In addition to these examples, and there are many more, the Almighty has blessed each seventh portion of time in The Sacred Calendar: the The Seventh Day of the Week, the seventh year and also the seventh thousanth year period referred to by Bible students as the Millennium. Together with the Festivals of the God of Israel these all express the concept of totality, maturity, holiness and absolute perfection.
To us in A Voice In The Wilderness the triple sevens (777) numerically symbolize Yahweh, the Father of Yahshua the Messiah. He is the pinnacle of perfection, power and purity. The number 777 may also be the numeric value of some word or group of words: we do not know. Satan has hijacked this number and uses it in all kinds of bizarre ways; but as far as Scripture is concerned, seven is the number of perfection and holiness. To us in A Voice In The Wilderness the number 777 numerically expresses the Almighty's Truth as regards His 7th day Sabbath, His 7 annual Sabbaths, His 7th year Sabbath and His 7th thousand year Sabbath - the millennium. We could go further and write 7777777 - ad infinitum, or 70 times 7, with each additional seven representing another perfect revelation of His character: but 777 will do for the time being.
By contrast the treble sixes - 666 - represent Satan the perfection of imperfection: the unholy and immature one: the one who will always fall short of Yahweh's moral stature just as the number 6 will always fall short of the number 7. Perhaps that is why Satan seeks to abolish every sacred seventh portion of time in the calendar of the Almighty: because his evil mind is totally incapable of ever matching the majesty, might and maturity of Yahweh the Holy One of Israel.
777 The “Key” to Eschatology
The Perfect Number of Completion
by Paul Sides
The key to unlocking the “sealed” prophecies concerning the mystery of the Second Coming is the perfect number of completion… 777. The number 777 is as important to understanding the timing of the Second Coming as 666 is to identifying the False Messiah who fakes the second coming. The number 777 identifies the true coming, where the number 666 identifies the fake. It is that simple.
777, the number of completion, it is the date the Millennial Reign begins. The 7th Jewish holy month of the 7th year of the 7th millennium. On this date:
The marriage feast between the Messiah and His bride begins.
The Feast of Trumpets takes place, which heralds the Second Coming. Yahshua returns to Earth on the Seventh Trumpet of the Feast of Trumpets (September 13, 2007).
So we know that Yahshua returns on the Feast of Trumpets in the year of completion. Which is September 13, 2007. Let’s look a little deeper into this date to confirm:
This date is exactly 1 generation (40 years and 120 days) from when the Fig Tree sprouted its leaves (Israel regained the Temple Mount and Jerusalem) on June 7th, 1967. Fulfilling Yahshua prophecy of the Fig Tree in Matthew 24.
This date is also exactly 7-tribulation years from the end of the 6th prophetic day (September 13, 2000) fulfilling the prophecy of the 7-year tribulation.
This date is exactly 14-years from the beginning of Daniels 70th Week (September 13, 1993). Fulfilling the prophecy of “7-Good Years of Joseph” and “7-Bad Years of Jacob”.
So as we can clearly see, 777 is truly the number of completion. This date completes the generation prophecy, the 14-year period of Joseph and Jacob prophecy, and the 7-year tribulation prophecy. And this date ends all forms of human and satanic government completing God's destined 6 millenniums of human government. And this date is the Jewish New Year, beginning the 7th Millennium of Divine Government under the King of Kings.
And so in the 7th Holy Month of the 7th year of the 7th Millennium… God’s Plan is complete… Yahshua the Messiah returns as King of Kings to reign physically for the rest of eternity.
The number 777 represents the perfect date of completion and the beginning of the Millennial Reign... September 13, 2007 the date of the return of the King. For a detailed breakdown of the Timeline given by YHWH through His prophets, read... especially Chapter 4 free on-line.
Click here to read the new book
of the
Second Coming
by Paul Sides
For proof we have entered the 7th Millennium... Proof we are living in the 7th Millennium since Adam
I have been contemplating the prophecy that I consider the most significant to unlocking the key to the second coming of Yahshua the Messiah.
And it hit me that once again the "Sabbath Key" of 6/7 holds true... even to the very date of the most significant prophetic fulfillment that ulocks the second coming.
I call it... the "6,7 '67" Prophecy of the Fig Tree sprouting its leaves. You see, Yahshua said in Matthew 24:32-36 (and I paraphrase):
vs 32 "When the tree is yet tender" meaning after the rebirth of Isreal in fulfillment of OT prophecy ... fulfilled April 14, 1948 the culmination of the "Servitude of the Nation of Israel" prophecy of Jeremiah and Ezekiel... "and puts forth its leaves" meaning Israel regains the Temple Mount and Jerusalem ... fulfilled on June 7, 1967 the culmination of the "Abominations of Jerusalem" prophecy of Jeremiah and Ezekiel...
vs. 34 "this generation will not pass away" meaning from June 7, 1967 there is 40 years 120 days which is a Biblical generation before everything concerning End Events are fulfilled. Which is September 13, 2007.
vs. 36 "but of that day or hour no man knoweth" Yahshua was confirming His second coming according to God's Feast Cycle using a Jewish idiom for the Feast of Trumpets "but my father only" Yahshua was using another Jewish idiom referring to the wedding feast that occurs after the Feast of Trumpets because Jewish weddings were pre-arranged by the Father.
Of couse, September 13, 2007 is the Jewish New Year in the year of completion 777 and the Feast of Trumpets.
But let's now consider the key fulfillment date of June 7, 1967. This date:
is according to God's 6/7 plan (6 days and a Sabbath key) the 6th month, 7th day of the '67 year! Or rather 6,7 '67... if that isn't amazing confirmation I don't know what is!
this day followed 6 days of war in the miraculous Israeli "6 Day War" and was the 7th day after the 6 days of war... another 6/7 symbol.
this day is also TO THE DAY the end of the prophecy of the "Abominations of Jerusalem" when Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied the long abominations brought down on Jerusalem for Israel's disobedience to God would END!
and of course this day is exactly 1 Biblical generation prior to Feast of Trumpets of the 7th holy month of the 7th year of the 7th millennium... the 777 year of completion
Keeping in mind God established the 6 day week and 7th day Sabbath as an eternal covenant representing His plan for man and pointing to the date of the Second Coming and beginning of the Millennial Reign....
What Yahshua is saying through history in effect is this:
After 6 days of war when I miraculously save Israel from Arab invasion... on the 7th day ... I will restore Jerusalem and the Temple Mount to my people on the 6th month 7th day of the year '67. Then after 40 years 120 days I will return after 6 millenniums in the 7th millennium... after 6 years in the 7th year... after 6 months in the 7th month... on the Feast of Trumpets ... to celebrate the wedding feast with My bride 6,007 years after this age began with Adam.... on September 13, 2007.
Just thinking.... the 6/7 Plan of God... the Sabbath Covenant... No wonder God commands we keep it!
The Everlasting Covenant... The Sabbath
Now let's consider God's everlasting covenant... the Sabbath. The 7 day week... 6 days and a 7th day... the Sabbath. It is a portrait of God's Plan for Man. 6 days/6 thousand years and a Sabbath Day/Millennium.... the 6/7 plan for man. 6,000 years of sin and a 7th millennium of Divine Government.
What am I getting at you ask? I'm getting at yet another sign from God concerning the timing of the second coming. More proof of the September 13, 2007 date. I will break God's plan down from a Millennial View all the way down to Monthly View:
Millennial View - Yahshua returns after 6 millenniums... in the 7th Sabbath Millennium ... the 6/7 plan
Yearly View - Yahshua returns after the 6th year in the 7th Sabbath Year... the 6/7 plan
Monthly View - Yahshua returns after the 6th Holy Month in the 7th Sabbath Holy Month... the 6/7 plan.
Yahshua return in the 6007 Sabbath Year since Adam... the 6/7 plan.
Yahshua returns on the Feast of Trumpets of the 6007th Year... September 13, 2007.
Hmmmmmmm. Maybe God had something in mind when He established the 6 day week and the Sabbath and called it His EVERLASTING COVENANT... If we kept it we may know when He was returning.
Psalms 90:1-4
1 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world (creation), even from everlasting (past) to everlasting (future), thou art God. (Referring to the Everlasting Covenant of the Sabbath in Genesis established at creation. The boundaries of this Covenant are “everlasting past to everlasting future” )
3 Thou turnest man to destruction;(a reference to the Great Tribulation) and sayest, Return, ye children of men.
4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. (‘6,000 years’ is the sign “a watch in the night” as Yahshua promised the Saints would NOT be taken like a thief in the night).
Hosea was also given a vision of God’s Plan. Hosea saw a period of time Israel would cease to be a nation and remain a footnote in history until the End Times (latter days):
Hosea 3:4-5
4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king (referring to the destruction of Israel after the Messiah King is cutoff), and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:
5 Afterward (after the Messiah is cutoff) shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.
We see from Hosea 3:4-5 that after the Messiah is cutoff, Israel will abide “many days” or more than 1,000 years then afterward “in the latter days” the children of Israel returns (1948). Then Hosea clarifies that the time when Israel will once again be a nation is “after 2 days/2,000 years” keeping in mind that God declared a day = 1,000 years. This is the Church Age or Messianic Age.
Then Hosea prophesies the first resurrection will occur at the beginning of the 3rd day/3,000th year since the destruction of Israel… “in the third day he will raise us up”. This is the Kingdom Age or Millennial Reign or Sabbath Millennium. Then Hosea confirms that He, the Messiah, shall come twice according the Feast Cycle (former rain is the Spring Feasts, the latter rain is the Fall Feasts):
Hosea 6:1-3
1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
September 13, 2007
The Date Given by YHWH and Yahshua for the Second Coming
I wanted to confirm the work on the Date of Yahshua's Second Coming occurring on September 13, 2007. And add to the Sabbatical and Jubilee calculations the following addition proof:
First, Yahshua was born in 3 bc. This can be confirmed by His death in 30 AD. How do we know? Yahshua was the Passover Lamb of YHWH not the meaningless "Friday Lamb" as Catholicism would have us believe. He was crucified on Wednesday the 15th of Abib, the Passover, in AD 30, spent 3 days in the grave (not 2 as Catholicism would have us believe) and resurrected on the Sabbath (not Sunday)... The Lord of the Sabbath. So the ONLY year that would enable YHWH to sacrifice Yahshua as the Passover Lamb and resurrect him the King of the Sabbath would be 30 AD (15th of Abib) putting Yahshua's birth in 3 BC as you suggest but fail to prove. Hope that helps.
Second, allow me to provide evidence that September 13, 2000 was the beginning of the 7-year tribulation or 7 bad years of Jacob:
The Gedolei Yisrael (Great Ones of Israel) declared September 13, 2000 the official beginning of the Tribulation or Times of Jacob's trouble in a UNANIMOUS VOTE!
OSLO was the 70th Week of Daniel.
It was the exact date of the annulment (per Isaiah) of the 70th Week of Daniel, the ONLY 7-year false peace treaty in the history of humanity signed exactly 14 years to the day (7 good years of Joseph followed by 7-bad years of Jacob) from the date of the Second Coming (see below for proof) on September 13, 2007.
It was the date that the ONLY 7- year peace treaty between any two nations in the history of humanity was annulled, and that treaty was annulled per prophecy (meaning it did not succeed) because of the battle over Jerusalem between the sons of Abraham (Ishmael and Isaac).
The annulment of this treaty on September 13, 2000 lead to the breakout of a Holy War between the sons of Abraham which broke out on top of the Temple Mount per prophecy, on September 28, 2000 when Ariel Sharon declared the Temple Mount the sovereign property of Israel. The Intifada or Holy War began.
The annulment of OSLO on September 13, 2000 focused the worlds attention on Jerusalem as this Holy War engulfed the world on September 11, 2001 bringing in the House of Israel (Britain/USA) along side the House of Judah (Jews/Israel) against the Arabs (sons of Ishmael).
The Temple Mount was re-opened to the Jews after 2,300 days. On July 1, 2003 right on schedule.
The Cornerstone of the coming 3rd Temple has been paraded down the streets of Jerusalem where it was dedicated at the gates of the Temple Mount... August 6, 2003... The Priest are in final preparations. Jews allowed to offer the oblation.
The Transgression of Desolation complete, Michael removed.
Israel is building a wall around herself to separate the Jews from the Palestinians in preparation for their utter destruction in fulfillment of Obadiah 17-18.
Now that we are ending the period declared by the Gedolei Yisrael to be the Times of Jacob's Trouble, Israel has convened the Sanhedrin for the first time in 1,600 years to find and crown the coming King of Israel.
Israel has abandoned Gaze in fulfillment of Zeph 2:4.
Concerning the date September 13, 2007 (I provided links to back each item up):
September 13, 2007 is the 7th Holy Month of the 7th Year of the 7th Millennium, 777 the number of completion. The perfect date of completion that per Daniel, Yahshua brings an end to sin, and ushers in His Everlasting Righteous Government.
YHWH's Sabbath Covenant (6 days and a 7th day) is fulfilled and repetitive all the way down to September 13, 2007. Yahshua returns after 6,000 years on the 7th Millennium. After 6 years in the 7th year of the 7th Millennium. After 6 holy months in the 7th Holy month of the 7th year of the 7th Millennium.
September 13, 2007 fulfills the Prophecy of the Fig Tree.
September 13, 2007 fulfills the prophecy that the generation that witnessed Israel regain Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will not pass away, it is "days" shy of "1 generation" . A biblical generation is 40 years 120 days.
September 13, 2007 fulfills the prophecy that is Yahshua were to wait a full generation (40 years 120 days) putting him back on September 25, 2007 not one living soul would survive, so Yahshua cut the days short 1 day for each of the 12 tribes of Israel (Elect) putting the return on September 13, 2007, the Feast of Trumpets.
September 13, 2007 meets the prophecy and meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, the 7th Trumpet of Revelation, and confirms YHWH Feast Cycle and fulfills Yahshua's prophecy that he returns on the day of which "No man knows the day or hour" which is a Jewish Idiom for the Feast of Trumpets.
September 13, 2007 is exactly 7 years to the day from the annulment of the only 7-year peace treaty in the history of mankind on September 13, 2000. I.E. 7 bad years of Jacob or 7 year tribulation. The 7-year false treaty that focused the worlds attention on Jerusalem, launching the World into the final battle between the sons of Abraham over control of Jerusalem called a War on Terror by Isaiah as he prophesied this war... see verse 19... (Isaiah 28:15-20).
September 13, 2007 is 14 years to the day from when the 7-good years of Joseph began with the signing of OSLO on September 13, 1993. The following 7-year was the most unprecedented period of peace and prosperity in all of human history having everyone involved with OSLO winning Nobel Peace Prizes including the world's premier terrorist... Yassir Arafat!
The 7 Divine Divisions... Sanctifying the Bride of the Messiah
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